Four hands holding and showing the front of the catalouge De Opublicerade
Juno Strömstedt
Wilma Broms
Sebastian Karlsson
Jennifer Hagman
Lystring förlag is a small publisher with a big personality. The publisher has its roots in the chaotic fanzine culture, and their vision is to highlight alternative graphic novels and comics that challenge the expected comic book format. Lystring förlag is a bold publisher with a large community, which unfortunately is not reflected in their graphic identity today.
This is a fictional group project that I did during my thesis work at Brobygrafiska 2023. We mostly did everything in the project together, but during production were divided into areas of responsibility, where I was in charge of the digital aspect.
Today, Lystring consists only of a logotype that lost its boldness a long time ago. In addition, the publisher is almost entirely invisible digitally, as they only have an Instagram account managed by the owner himself.
The nearly nonexistent graphic identity and the lack of digital solutions make it very difficult for new target groups to find and understand what Lystring really is.
We wanted to give Lystring a bold graphic identity that mirrors its personality and highlights the thriving community surrounding it. Using vibrant colors, hand-drawn fonts, and enchanting illustrations, we crafted a confident yet playful identity to help Lystring stand out. 
Additionally, we introduced an annual catalog called "De Opublicerade" (The Unpublished), providing a platform for amateur creators to showcase their work. We also created a new website aligning with Lystring's updated identity and an updated Instagram, to make it easier for both current and new target groups to discover Lystring förlag.
Lystrings new logo on a yellow background.
Pink text saying "alla ska med" and illustrations of a heart and trumpets.Close up on a person holding a stuffed animal and some books.
A lot of colorful Lystring stickers.A green basket filled with books on the floor of an storeIllustration of a frog playing a trumpet
A yellow flyer with a wizzard.A pink flyer talking about the open call of De Opublicerade.A redflyer with a wizzard.
A gif with two people fighting with booksA open catalouge saying "alla sma med" and someone pointaing at the catalouge.
An open page of the Opublicerade with an illustraition and a big pink quoteA page of a illustration in blue and a interview of the artist
Three mobile screens showing the landing page of Lystring webpage
Two desktops showing the landing page of Lystrings webpage
Three mobile screens with information about De Opublicerade and the open call
Two desktops showing information about De Opublicerade
Two screens showing the page where you can find all Lystrings books
Two mobile frames showing Lystrings blogg
A desktop showing the hero of Lystrings new blog